Installing the Slurm SPANK Lua plugin

pcocc uses the Slurm SPANK plugin infrastructure, and in particular, its LUA interface to setup compute nodes for running VMs. This interface is provided by the slurm-spank-plugins-lua package. pcocc will install a LUA script in the /etc/slurm/lua.d directory, vm-setup.lua.

Installing SPANK

You may download the SPANK plugins from their Github. As of this writing, there is an unresolved bug in this plugin, which we will fix by applying a patch. Download the latest tarball from the releases page to build a RPM:

mkdir -p $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
cp 0.37.tar.gz $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/slurm-spank-plugins-0.37.tgz
mv slurm-spank-plugins-0.23-get_item.patch $HOME/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
tar xvf 0.37.tar.gz

In the source directory, edit the RPM specfile as follows (adapt to the current version number):

Name:  slurm-spank-plugins
Version: 0.37
Release: 1
Patch0: slurm-spank-plugins-0.23-get_item.patch

And apply the patch in the %package lua section, beetwen %prep and %setup:

%patch0 -p1

Proceed to building the RPM after installing required dependencies:

yum-builddep ./slurm-spank-plugins.spec
yum install lua-devel
rpmbuild -ba ./slurm-spank-plugins.spec --with lua --with llnl_plugins

Put the resulting packages in your repositories and install slurm-spank-plugins-lua on your front-end and compute nodes or wait for pcocc to pull it as a dependency.

Configuring SPANK

For the pcocc plugin to be properly loaded, we have to instruct the Slurm SPANK infrastructure to load all LUA addons in the standard /etc/slurm/lua.d directory by setting the following content inside /etc/slurm/plugstack.conf:

required /usr/lib64/slurm/ /etc/slurm/lua.d/*