Resource sets configuration file


/etc/pcocc/resources.yaml is a YAML formatted file describing sets of resources that pcocc templates may reference. Currently resource sets are only composed of networks defined in /etc/pcocc/networks.yaml.


/etc/pcocc/resources.yaml contains a key/value mapping. Each key represents a set of resources and the associated value contains a key, networks, whose value is a list of networks to provide to VMs. Interfaces will be added to VMs in the same order as they appear in this list, which means that, for example, the first Ethernet network in the list should appear as eth0 in the guest operating system. In addition, a key default can be set to True on one of the resource sets. It will be used by default for VM templates which do not specify a resource-set.

Sample configuration file

This is the default configuration file for reference. Please note that indentation is significant in YAML:

# This configuration file holds system-wide definitions of set of resources
# which can be used by VM templates

    - nat-rssh
  default: True

    - nat-rssh
    - ib