Connect to a VM via nc


pcocc nc [OPTIONS] [NC_OPTS]…


Connect to a VM via nc


This requires the VM to have the selected port reverse NAT’ed to the host in its NAT network configuration.


-j, –jobid INTEGER
Jobid of the selected cluster
-J, –jobname TEXT
Job name of the selected cluster
–user TEXT
Select cluster among jobs of the specified user
-h, –help
Show this message and exit.


To open a connection to the SSH server running in the first VM of the xjob called ubuntu:

pcocc nc -J ubuntu vm0 22

This is can be useful to simplify connections to pcocc VMs using SSH ProxyCommands. For example by adding the following content to the ~.ssh/config file:

Host ubuntu-vm0
ProxyCommand pcocc nc -J ubuntu vm0 22

It is possible to connect to the first VM of the job named ubuntu without relying on pcocc ssh:

ssh ubuntu-vm0